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LT Specials Services Family Engagement Night, March 4, 5-730pm, HBMS
Meet our Special Services staff, gain insights into the ARD process and explore a variety of other helpful topics.
RHE Veterans Day morning assembly
Retiring of Colors by Cub Scout Pack 442 during Veterans Day morning assembly
students participating in fun day outside
RHE Veterans Day morning assembly
Student music performance at morning assembly for Veterans Day celebration
LTISD Job Fair; March 1, 9a-12p, Lake Travis HS, hiring all positions
Discover your future at LTISD!

Representatives from each department and campus may conduct onsite interviews. Learn more.

photo collage of mascot Rocky, RHE staff and students
students having lunch in the cafeteria
RHE students pose with campus mascot
RHE Exterior

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At Rough Hollow Elementary we value respect, kindness, and community. We strive for equality and celebrate diversity. We are committed to growing compassionate, creative learners who embrace challenges with perseverance and grace.